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A Bus Accident

a) I got to see a fair: I was going to the city to see the fair with is held every year. I ha covered about two kilometers when i saw and accident. It look place before my eyes.

b) The accident takes place: A truck was coming from my opposite direction when a speedy lorry approached from behind and tried to overtake the truck. Bur the driver could not control it and i hit the truck which again struck against big tree. Both the vehicles were overturned.

c) The Pathetic scene and the result of the Accident: It was a very touching scene. Both the drivers and four passengers on the but were killed there and then. Six were seriously injured. Many woman and children got injuries on their heads. While some broke their legs or arms. They were raising hues and cries. It seemed to be a dooms day.

d) I inform the police: I at once went to the police station and informed them of the accident. A police party came in a lorry. They took the dead and wounded to the hospital. In the mean time their relatives had also come to the hospital. Dead bodies were handed over the their relatives and the wounded admitted in the hospital. So i came back home with a heavy heart and could not go the fair.

Posted by: Wasim Javed

A Hockey Match

a) Announcement for the Match: About a week ago I was sitting in a shop. When I heard an announcement about a Hockey match. It was to be played between two prominent teams of the country, namely Railway Lahore and Habib Bank Karachi. This announcement was made in the whole city. People and all interested were eagerly waiting for the match. They were buying tickets in advance though the rates were high enough but they did not care for it.

b) On the day of the Match: When the day came, the people got themselves prepared well in time. They took their meal and began to reach the stadium to occupy their seats. I also went and took my seat in the second row. From here I could clearly see the match, and enjoy it. By now the whole stadium was packed to the full to my mind there would be ten thousand spectators who had come to enjoy the match.

c) The Match Starts: The referee blew his whistle and both the team entered the ground screaming and jumping. The players were introduced to the chief guest and them photographed. The match started. Both the teams were showing their best performance. All the players were trying to score a goal. The ball was never too beyond the first lines of attack. No one could say who would win. The game was balanced all the time. Till half-time there was no score from either side. But the players had won appreciation for the excellent play.

d) After the Half-Time: The match started again with a new zeal and spirit. New techniques were put in practice in the last two minutes the railway team got a penalty corner which they struck successfully. The goal was seen by all.

e) In the end: As a result the Lahore Railway won by one goal. They rejoiced and got the challenge cup.

Posted by: Wasim Javed